VFSD's Future Plans


VFSD is to build health centers (Hospitals and clinics) for the provision of free voluntary HIV/AID's testing, condoms to the communities and medical care, drugs (ARV'S), counseling and guidance to the HIV/AID,s infected and affected persons, youth, orphans and vulnerable groups among the majority.


VFSD wishes to build both primary and secondary schools, vocational and technical institutions for educating the orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) in various courses i.e electrical and motor rewinding, computer training, hair dressing with pedicure and manicure, tailoring, baking (bakery) and outside catering services for the development of modern entrepreneur skills and knowledge among the HIV/AID’s infected and affected persons, youth, orphans and vulnerable.



VFSD wishes to build orphanage homes for provision of parental care (love) and basic needs like food, water, shelter, clothing’s and security for HIV/AID,s affected and infected persons, orphans, venerable groups, street  (homeless) and helpless children.



VFSD hopes to start up development projects like bakeries, tailoring schools, catering services, internet and computer training centers, goat and poultry farms for the aim of making the organization a self sustaining one, improving the incomes levels and living standards among HIV/AID,s infected persons orphans and Vulnerable (OVC) through provision of employment opportunities after training courses.


VFSD will engage in agriculture through practicing modern farming as growing crops e.g banana, cassava, sweet potatoes, beans, peas, maize, millet and grazing animals like cattle, goats, sheep, rabbits and poultry both local and foreign breeds  on the favorable organization’s pieces of land for increasing on the quantity and quality of food donated to the HIV/AID,s affected and infected persons, orphans and vulnerable (OVC) groups-families in basically war affected areas like Northern Uganda in addition to the other organization's places of operation.


VFSD hopes to participate in Environmental conservation through creating strategies of maintaining the environment like encouraging planting of trees (a forestation)


VFSD wishes to engage in Talent Motivation (sports) i.e Football, Net ball, Basket ball, Volley Ball, Swimming, Tennis, Rugby, Music Dance and Drama (MDD) to mention but a few among the HIV/AID,s infected persons, orphans and vulnerable (OVC) groups. This will help them to express/ show off their talents to professional levels thus attracting international attention and high salaries.


VFSD wishes to extend its services in the whole of Uganda in the first place, particularly the war affected areas like NORTHERN region with the weakest points i.e. high cases of HIV/AID's, orphanage and vulnerability, education, sanitation, hygiene, nutrition, poor standards of living, grinding poverty, poor water supply etc


VFSD wishes to change into self sustaining organisation or a funding agency/ a donor agency funding all its projects without relying on international grants and donations (Aid) disbursing grants to growing organisations in developing countries working to empower children, youth and women programmes all over the world.


VFSD wishes to partner-network with different organisations, donor agencies, foundations, companies, schools/institutions and individuals both national and international with similar objectives, vision, mission and goals operating in parts of Uganda, East Africa, Africa, Asia, Europe, America and the entire world on its journey of expansion.


VFSD wishes to expand its fundraising ceremonies to all parts of the world through Music Dance and Drama, Sports among others 


VFSD wishes to organise, conduct, attend and present in conferences, seminars, workshops and campaigns organised around the world 


VFSD wishes to building the first  university for the orphans and  vulenarable groups in the world.


 VFSD wishes to building its headquarters in the central region (Lufula village-Kawempe Division Kampala District) plus other branches in the Northern, Eastern, Western, Southern parts and outside borders of the country (East Africa, Africa, Asia, Europe, America ) that will coordinate with this central office.





P.O.Box 36122 Kampala  
Telephones: +256-752-618402 / +256-752-618402 / +256-772-603607 / +256-702-603607

Email:  vision4developmental@gmail.com, vision4developmentuganda@gmail.com

 Website:   www.vfsd.cfsites.org