Our work falls into the following areas


VFSD's work evolves a round the following thematic areas: A good welfare and improved health of dignity, sanitation, hygiene, nutrition among people living with HIV/AID’s, Orphan children, youth, women and vulnerable populations is their Right.



HIV and AID’s is widely acknowledged as a global emergency and one of the most formidable challenges to human life and dignity as well as to effective enjoyment of human rights.


The AIDS pandemic is inextricably linked to poverty and erodes the hard-won livelihoods of the world's poorest communities. AIDS is not only a health problem it contributes to hunger, wipes out years of socio-economic progress and has disastrous financial effects on families. People in poor countries bear the brunt of the pandemic; two-thirds of all people living with HIV, over 24 million, live in sub-Saharan Africa. Though declines in HIV prevalence have been noted in some countries, such as Kenya and Zimbabwe, the overall number of people living with HIV has continued to increase in nearly all regions of the world.



We believe that our HIV/AIDS programs must provide information and services to the infected and affected persons, orphans and vulnerable groups while addressing the underlying factors that lead people to make choices that put them at risk of infection.



Our HIV and AID’s thematic area advocates for a Right to a good life of dignity among the HIV and AIDS infected and affected persons. Our objective under the HIV and AIDS programme is to carry out HIV/AID’s individual counseling and sensitization as to protect and reduce the trend of HIV and AIDS escalation as well as effective policy environment for scaling up the national response to the epidemic.




Our HIV/AID's programs coordinate with the other sectors of the organization, including education, health-sanitation, hygiene, nutrition, sports and games, music dance and drama MDD, economic empowerment and development. Through our HIV/AIDS programs, we help communities care for children orphaned and made vulnerable by HIV/AIDS, peer education and training,


Our community outreach programs include HIV/AID’s sensitization through Music, Dance and Drama (MMD), counseling and testing (HCT) access to anti-retroviral treatment (Drugs), STI’s prevention, medication and treatment, home-to-home counseling, primary and secondary school visits, conducting workshops and seminars, distribution of information education and communication materials (I.E.C), condoms, nutrition, sanitation and hygiene campaigns among others.





Education is a human right and a significant element in the eradication of poverty and child labour; it is also instrumental in the promotion of democracy, peace, tolerance, personal and social development.




VFSD is dedicated to securing basic education for all through acquiring bursaries/scholarships for orphans and vulnerable children. Experience shows that learning attacks poverty at its roots. Educated people can make thoughtful and informed decisions that will positively affect their lives, their families, their communities and their world. Mothers are more likely to have healthier children and higher incomes. Today we work alongside communities, government and partner organizations at many levels to address all aspects of basic education.


Our inclusive approaches include provision of scholastic materials like Books, Pens, Pencils, Color Pencils, Toilet Papers, Sets, Brooms among others and addressing reasons why children are out of school involving communities in assessing and overcoming their unique barriers to learning; and conducting broad campaigns that promote the right to education for all people.



VFSD negotiates with partner schools for free scholarships and pays half and quarter bursaries for the most vulnerable children and families.



Sadly, nearly 10 million children under the age of five die each year in developing countries, mainly from preventable causes. Over 55 percent of these deaths, roughly 6 million children, are directly attributable to malnutrition.


VFSD places a special focus on infant and young child feeding and related maternal nutrition practices and care. Proper nutrition is vital to a child's healthy development and an adult's ability to work and care for her family. We protect, promote and support optimal growth and development for children under the age of five to ensure their best chance for survival.


Our organization focus on teaching techniques and practices that help prevent malnutrition, including proper breastfeeding techniques, educating families and communities about how to prepare nutritious complementary food.


In this aspect, VFSD places a special focus on infant and young child feeding (IYCF) and related maternal nutrition (rMN) practices and care. Better nutrition for infants and young children means stronger immune systems, less illness and greater cognitive and productive capacity throughout their lives.


Maternal nutrition practices and related concerns also play a large role in the success or failure of pregnancy outcomes, and the survival and subsequent feeding of the infant. In order for women to have the best chance for a successful pregnancy and give her infant the best start for optimal growth and development, maternal nutrition must be addressed. Women need to be supported and empowered to claim their rights to provide for their infants with the opportunity to thrive.


Children-Youth and Women Empowerment

Of the 30.9 million estimated Uganda’s population, the youth constitute 75% and most of the youth are in rural areas. A trend of rural-urban migration by the youth is in a major move. The major causes for this migration pattern is search for better social services and amenities like education and health services but the search for employment or business opportunities is the major cause. However most of the youth fail to get jobs and end up in urban slums and streets, they engage in unproductive or anti social activities like prostitution, thuggery and drug abuse.


HIV/AIDS, Poverty, unemployment and underemployment are the main problems affecting the youth, the major causes of these problems above are; Lack of employable skills, Lack of access to resources like land and capital, Lack of focus on the youth by the existing programmes, over emphasis on experience and lack of apprenticeship schemes, Negative attitudes by the youth towards work especially in agriculture, Lack of a comprehensive employment policy, Negative cultural attitudes such as gender discrimination and lack of appropriate information. Among the problems facing the youth, the priority area of focus is the youth employment challenge. The youth appeal to the government and other stakeholders to review the youth employment challenge and put in place policy, legal and institutional framework to address the problem.


Motor Rewinding, Generator Repair and Electrical Vocational Training Centre/Workshop

In a bid to empower the youth with entrepreneurship skills, VFSD has a motor rewinding and electrical engineering vocational centre, training youth and equipping them with employable skills in Motor rewinding, generator repair skills and knowledge in electrical engineering.



Vision Excite Drama Group-VEDG

Through VEDG the organization has mobilized the youth from the communities of Kawempe for drama training sessions. VEDG programs focus on healthy, physical, social and emotional development of youth and build safer and stronger communities. VEDG uses specially-designed Music Dance and Drama-MDD programs to teach health education and life such leadership, self esteem, communication respect, and peace building. VEDG uses sport and play to mobilize and educate communities around key health issues to support national health objectives, in particular HIV/AID’s awareness and prevention campaigns.



The organisation uses sport and play as a tool for development of children and youth in the most advantaged areas of the world, VFSD is now committed to improving the lives of these youth and strengthening their communities by translating the best practices of Music Dance and Drama into opportunities to promote development and health.




Vision Football Soccer Academy-VFSA

VFSA programs foster on healthy, physical, social and emotional development of children and build safer and stronger communities. VFSA uses specially-designed sport and play programs to teach health education and life such leadership, team work, fair play, self esteem, communication respect, and peace building. VFSA uses sport and play to mobilize and educate communities around key health issues to support national health objectives, in particular HIV/AID’s awareness and prevention campaigns



The organisation uses sport and play as a tool for development of children and youth in the most advantaged areas of the world, VFSD is now committed to improving the lives of these children and strengthening their communities by translating the best practices of sport and play into opportunities to promote development and health.

visionfootballacademy@gmail.com, www.vfsa.cfsites.org



Humanitarian assistance programs

Through fundraisings each year, we mobilize assistance/support inform of donations like food, clothes, scholastic materials, soap, sugar, salt, jerricans, plates, basins, mosquito nets, blankets, bed sheets, shoes among others that can be re-used by hunger victims, people living and affected to HIV/AID’s, orphans, youth, women and other vulnerable groups in Kumi (Eastern) and Kampala (Central) districts from. These items are mobilized from the communities that’s to say primary and secondary/high schools, markets, churches, companies and various organizations.




At the time, the organization is seeking funds that can bring self employment and sustainability projects in the areas.






Community Development Volunteer Programs


VFSD is engaged into community development work such as helping children, youth and families infected and affected to HIV/AID’s through family visits (Domestic Work), cleaning wells/ water chanels, roads/ streets, market/Trading centres, tree planting, building houses among others, This is done through a local and international volunteering programs which involves

vfsdvolunteers@gmail.com, www.visionworkcamps.cfsites.org


Promotion of Health in general

Vision Grounds is blood donating centre where blood donations are conducted alongside long-term partner Uganda Blood Transfusion Services-Nakasero Blood Bank, Besides the same venue is also used for hosting other health promotion programs like blood testing, eye check ups, workshops and seminars.



Currently the VFSD is working with a wide range of development partners at many levels including local and international organizations, NGOs, CBOs, individuals and the local government among others during the implementation the these programs,90% of our programs are experienced on community ground and involve beneficiaries directly.


As we struggle to seek more funds, Our main focus is anti-retroviral treatment services, raising awarness, lobbying, advocacy, networking, education, care and surport families infected and affected to HIV/AID's. Participarting in more national and international education campaigns, surport impact assessment and shared learning with networks from around the world


 P.O.Box 36122 Kampala  
Telephones: +256-752-618402 / +256-752-618402 / +256-772-603607 / +256-702-603607

Email:  vision4developmental@gmail.com, vision4developmentuganda@gmail.com

 Website:   www.vfsd.cfsites.org